RGC Wireless Internet Troubleshooting


Common internet problems and possible solutions

1 No internet access:

Look at the router.

Are the lights on? If no, check the power for the router

Is the internet light on? If no, check the cable from the internet port on the router to the LAN port on the antenna power injector (The small box usually on the floor connected to the wire coming in from outside)

Look at the antenna power injector:

Is the light on the power injector on? If no, check the power cable and make sure there is power on the outlet.

Restart the devices:

Look for the power connector on the back of the router and disconnect it (All the lights should now be off) wait 20 Seconds, then plug it back in. Now look at the power injecter. The larger connector by itself is the power connector. Unplug it for 20 seconds as well (the light on the Power injector should turn off), then plug it back in.

Verify service is active:

Make sure your invoice is paid up to date.

Call RGC Wireless for further assistance.

2 Poor internet speeds:

Check other internet devices. Is the internet slow on all of them or just one?

If the internet is slow on just one device, the problem is likely something with just that device. Try the device in different locations to determine if the trouble is caused by interference or a bad antenna on the device.

If the internet is slow on all wireless devices, find a computer or laptop that can be directly connected to the router with a cable. TURN OFF THE WIRELESS CARD ON THE COMPUTER, test the internet on this computer. If the speeds are normal, you may be experiencing wireless interference. Possible sources of wireless interference are neighbor's router(s), Baby monitors, Microwave ovens, wireless cameras and alarm systems, some cordless phones, and high metal content in building materials and large metal objects.

Often interference issues can be solved by changing router channels one by one until you find the best internet experience

Be aware that RGC Wireless is not responsible for fixing any problems with your router or solving wireless reception issues to your router. In most cases we will do what we can, but our responsibility of service quality ends at the cable connecting to your router.

If the internet is slow, even when connected directly to the router and you have restarted the router and antenna as listed above, please call RGC Wireless to further diagnose the problem.

3. I disconnected all the wires and I don't know where they go anymore.

First, make sure you have disconnected any wires that may have been moved while trying to fix the problem by yourself.

Second, Find the Power injector. That is a black box that was on the floor and has 3 connections. One for a power wire to the outlet and two network connectors. These connectors are labeled POE and LAN. The power cable goes to the outlet or power strip. The wire coming in from outside connects to the port labeled POE. A short patch cord will then connect from the LAN port to the INTERNET or WAN port on the back of the router. Make sure the power cube for the router is connected from an outlet to the plug on the back of the router labeled power. Any other cables going to other devices such as a TV, Game system, or computer can connect to any of the ports labeled 1 through 4.

4. If you still have questions or problems, please call RGC Wireless for assistance

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