     RGC Wireless is owned and operated by John Delano in Rio Grande City Texas, with the express purpose of  supplying low cost wireless internet to the Rio Grande City community. To this purpose I have been researching and building the required hardware and infrastructure and at this time I can supply signal to a majority of the Rio Grande City area. Most locations will require the installation of an external antenna to receive the Microwave signal. These antennas are compatible with  all major router manufacturers. For your security, RGC Wireless recomends the installation of a router/firewall in all client locations. At RGC Wireless we are commited to supplying you with excellent broadband service at affordable prices.

All content on this website is Copyright (C) RGC Wireless Internet, 2007-2019. Any duplication, copying, or reverse engineering is strictly forbidden. All Rights Reserved.

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RGC Wireless  BBB Business Review